Here’s how you can add a kid profile in the mIKs-it app.
Step 1: Navigating to the kid’s tab
From the home screen you can easily navigate to the kids tab by clicking on the mIKs-it icon as highlighted below:
Step 2: Adding a kid profile
Once you click on the kids icon, you will see the kids home screen.
Tap on the ‘+’ icon, the application will open a pop-up screen to create your kid profile.
- Enter your kid’s first and last name in the given textboxes.
- Tap on add photo, and it will prompt you to choose from your Photo Library, Take Photo or Browse through your device’s file system. Select a photo by tapping on any of these options to set as your kid's profile picture.
After setting up your kid’s profile you can acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions by checking the checkbox. This will highlight the ‘Create profile’ button, you can then tap on this button. The application will prompt you with successful creation of your kid’s profile.